Tuesday 16 January 2018

An Open Letter to a Young Freelancer

Don’t go to coffee shops. Just don’t.

And though I can bet you’re likely reading this inside one, do your self a favor and don’t do it again.

I know what you’re thinking; this place is really much better than staying in the comfort of your house in which the temptations of procrastinating, sleeping in and binge watching your favorite series can pull you into. And if you’re like me, who most likely just graduated from college, you would say you owe them – if it weren’t for nearby coffee shops, you likely flunked that Thesis course.

I mean sure the ambiance of all coffee stores provides you a change of scenery – inspires you better compared to those four boring walls of your garage ever did – and that the sight of other young professionals engrossed in their own work motivates one to begin grinding, beneath all that establishes downsides we have chosen to ignore.

Sure, it enables you to concentrate on the tasks at hand since there’s no TV to distract you or comfortable mattress to seduce you into sleeping in but have you ever considered that the sounds? The folks coming in and moving out? The endless chatter? And of course the anxiety you get once you’ve finished that java and whatever pastry you purchased it with, believing the barista – or guy who just arrived in – would be judging you personally for overstaying.

Although it’s essential to note that productivity and focus is subjective and will be different with one another, all of us must acknowledge that every once in a while our thoughts go awry when we discover something a little more interesting than the matter available.

Don’t even get me started on the java. It is a little bit overpriced.

I know. Really, I get it. Being a caffeine lover myself, I don’t really mind splurging over a cup of coffee each day now and then – paired with a piece of cake or pastry you have been craving to own for days – it’s quite an adventure. It is a nice deal after weeks of rescuing up, honestly. And java wakes up your sleeping spirit and enables your brain work better, it does exactly the exact same thing to me.

However, after a week spent in your ‘coffice’; chances are, you are going to be regretting it believing at the back of your mind you could’ve made that cup of caffeine into your own kitchen and stored money.

Oh, and also the online connection? Inconsistent. Even when you’re paying to get your own WIFI connection via a piece of New York Cheesecake and a medium sized Americano, you can not guarantee that your connection won’t be slow.

And finally, the 1 variable that made me understand that coffee shops occasionally aren’t the very best places to work at – distance and time. So as to get a good area and safe a socket to your laptop charger, you need to be there as early as possible and you can not stay there for extended hours you either feel guilty for ordering so small and staying for long or the coffee shop itself rips you out for loitering – either way your job momentum becomes destroyed and it might take you a while to find this back.

‘Where to now?’ You would ask.

You don’t enjoy working in the home because of the trends of procrastination and diversion. And of course, you will need caffeine to function properly as a human being

Unless you have been cooped up within your favorite coffee shop for a long time now, you have likely hear of Co-working Spaces.

Today, Co-working Spaces is this excellent thing which combined with your two favorite things in one – that the comfort of your residence and ambiance of your favorite coffee shop. They are workplaces which are membership according to a open space set up that permits you to choose the environment you need to get a little more creative and to be effective. No need to haggle to your own space plus you get to work whatever time you want.

In need of some lonely time? You may select a desk and do your own thing. Or are you really in the mood to become motivated and possibly also collaborate? Why don’t you go join the community in the lounging area to find some fresh ideas! And did I mention there’s coffee?

Thing is this, the way people of this creation work are shifting and unlike before when us, salespeople, had hardly any choices of workplace, we now have the ability to pick the perfect installation.

So why don’t you go and become the brave young person that you are and try the new trend of co-working spaces? I’ll be more than happy to introduce one.

Former Coffee Shop Loiterer



source http://www.sandiegojobsondemand.com/an-open-letter-to-a-young-freelancer/

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