Sunday 11 February 2018

Society is Nuts

From Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

I SPOKE together with you last week about the question of sanity: about how to decide whether it is you or everybody else who is nutty when everybody — or almost everybody — is doing things or expressing opinions that seem clearly insane for you. And to be honest, I was using the terms “sanity” and “insanity” a little loosely. A clinical psychologist likely would not classify people as crazy just because they’re saying or doing things that objectively do not make sense. Most people who say or do things that seem crazy are not clinically mad: They’re just after the herd; they’re just being trendy. They have such a powerful compulsion to be like everybody else and this kind of weak grasp on objective reality which they will act in a nutty way should they perceive others behaving that way. They care about doing, saying, as well as thinking just like the people around them than they care for that which makes sense.

Technically speaking, they’re not crazy, but nonetheless something is obviously wrong. After a herd of cows stampede over a cliff to their deaths, even the person cows may be perfectly normal, but still something has gone wrong for the herd. And that is sort of how it is with our society now. Collectively we’re doing a lot of things that not only do not make sense but that ultimately will ruin us. And countless individuals that are smart enough to find this won’t see it as they do not want to be out of action with this herd. They are terrified of becoming out of action with this herd.

Allow me to give you some specific examples of this sort of collective nuttiness which will ruin us if we do not do something to acquire the loonies back in their cages — or, get the herd stampeding in another way. Consider the dumbing down of America’s colleges. I broke this back from the 1960s, if I was a physics professor at a West Coast college. The issue was actually a very gentle one afterward. My habit was to give passing grades just to those students in the math graduate courses I was teaching that revealed at least minimum evidence which they’d have the ability to compete effectively from the somewhat demanding world of professional physics if they were awarded an advanced degree and turned loose. I believed that my clinic was a reasonable one either from the perspective of imitating the standards of my career also from the perspective of being clubbed to the students by not throwing them into a stadium where they couldn’t compete. I was giving them an early chance to modify their career aims. However, I was placed under considerable pressure by the college administration to “lighten up” and stop flunking graduate students. I was “ruining the lives” of those students I flunked, I informed me. I responded that the only reasonable method to flunk fewer students was to tighten up admission standards for our grad faculty; we were accepting many students who never ought to have been extended a bachelor’s degree. This was the trend, the government told me , and you can not fight the trend.

Well indeed, it was the trend. And I know now that I was partially wrong in believing that I had been habituated to students by not letting them enter a stadium where they couldn’t compete. The fad has made that stadium a much kinder, gentler place as it was, and several are competing in it today who would not have managed to live in it sooner.

However, what’s happened to the criteria in physics is nothing compared to what’s happened to college standards normally. Physics has been spared the worst of this dumbing down as it is not the curriculum of choice for most students, especially not to Black, Mestizo, and female students. Another reason that some of our universities still are able to turn out a couple of great physicists is that math is relatively non-political. Whether a specific hypothesis in physics is verified by experiment or not has very little effect on the kinds of ideas and issues of concern to feminists, homosexuals, Blacks, democrats, etc.

The folks at our universities that have really suffered have been those who wished to teach or to learn history or literature. In the standpoint of the Red Guards, these are dangerous issues, plus they’ve needed to clamp down hard on these in order to keep Politically Incorrect ideas from being propagated. In fact, the less literature and history educated the greater, from their standpoint. And they’ve ordered for this result by doing away with required core courses for undergraduates and substituting a enormous number of completely trivial optional courses in their location. A terrific many 18-year-olds, if given the choice between a fairly solid and demanding course in Western history and a pleasant, fluffy class titled “Sexual Meanings,” say, or “Troubadours and Rock Stars — a Comparison” will select among the latter — especially since the latter will give them just as much credit toward a degree. Those two fine, fine courses I simply named, by the way, are offered for credit by Yale, and they’re two of many which may be taken rather than history or some other old-style class with material and rigor.

And should you want to examine literature, more and more of our schools are phasing out the real literature of our individuals and phasing from the Freudian, then angst-laden garbage books written by Jews or homosexuals, and they’re beating the bushes for resentment-filled feminist diatribes or pretentious, anti-White materials written by various Third Worlders. All of it is pretty gloomy fare for any normal White individual. And the impression it leaves on impressionable young people would be that writing substantial literature is pretty easy work: all you have to do is have a glib tongue and find out the stylish clichés.

On top of this general dumbing down of the schools is that the nearly total reduction of academic freedom. When I was a professor, the academic freedom issue was concerning the best of Marxists, homosexuals, and also other types to introduce their biases into the courses they taught. A lot of traditional-minded professors believed that these biases had no place in a college campus, but the liberals — especially those Jewish liberals — supported the promises of the Marxists, the homosexuals, etc, to teach whatever they wanted to teach.

Well, the liberals acquired, and now there is no such thing as academic liberty. If a history professor at almost any American college, as an instance, says in a class about the history of the Second World War that the Jews’ claim that the six million of these were killed in “gas stoves” by the Germans is slightly exaggerated and never to be taken literally, he’ll be out on his ear in a moment, branded a “Holocaust denier,” and will be unable to find employment as a professor anyplace else. If a professor in a psychology class suggests to his students that homosexuals as a general rule have emotional issues that go far beyond the question of sexual orientation, so he also will be looking for a career in a different field. If a chemistry professor isn’t so careful what he says in discussing the differences between women and men, he’ll combine his colleagues in the history department and the psychology department from the unemployment line.

The mental blinders placed on students are simply as prohibitive. At a growing number of universities students are expelled if they say anything else in public that’s Politically Incorrect or that offends somebody in one of those preferred racial or sexual categories. And these individuals are very easily offended. Stick your nose into the student newspapers published at most universities now, and you’ll get a good whiff of the Politically Right atmosphere.

What’s been done to our universities is the equal of stampeding our society toward a pond. The standard of this higher education in the us, the standard of the training we provide to our own college students, is vital to our being able to remain competitive in an aggressive world; finally, it is very important to our survival as an independent state.

And similar things have been done to several other institutions in Western society: our armed forces, as an instance, in which the requirement for Politically Correct perspectives on these matters as race and sex has led to situations that are laughable if they were not so dangerous. Pregnancies of soldiers and sailors have become a significant impediment to military preparation. Some components return from a tour of duty with more than ten percent of the female employees fortunate. The bending of rules as well as the lowering of standards to adapt women has had a significant effect on both combat readiness and morale. Dealing with and trying to prevent sexual harassment keeps many commanders tied in knots. And it is all completely unnecessary. An all-male military establishment would be more successful and might make considerably more sense than the current military experiment from sexual equality on nearly every floor except that of Political Correctness. However, it is Political Correctness which prevails.

Affirmative action has done about as much harm to American society and the American market as some of those other lunatic schemes imposed on us by the minions of Political Correctness. Three decades of admitting, hiring, or encouraging less competent individuals on the grounds of sex or race has lowered standards in our professional colleges and diminished our economic efficacy. We are getting a less competent state. And that doesn’t make sense either.

I could talk about immigration. It’s actually crazy that our government will not enforce its immigration laws or control our boundaries. A flood of non-Whites in the Third World continues to pour into this nation, both legally and illegally. The government creates a pretense of stopping the flow of illegals give a large number of illegals exactly what amounts to an amnesty with entirely lawful, permanent residence status to follow. And America’s towns become darker and darker.

I could talk about our own courts, that were one of my pet peeves. It is clear to every knowledgeable observer that the court process is brokenup, but no one will say. In those parts of the nation in which non-Whites constitute a majority of the jury pool, the judges have gone nuts. The sort of thing that happened in the O.J. Simpson trial happens daily, together with juries handing down conclusions that make no sense in any respect. A number of these conclusions are in civil cases, with non-White juries deciding on astronomical judgments against companies according to frivolous claims of injuries. Each judgment runs up the price of conducting business, which cost is passed on to each one of us.

It is not merely the formal courts of law. There’s a growing amount of quasi-judicial committees and boards and commissions springing up from the title of “human rights” and exercising forces from Political Incorrectness. A news clipping in the Toronto Star I have facing me today is all about the current decision of the Human Rights Commission of Ontario, Canada. This commission has just imposed a fine of $10,000 from the mayor of London, Ontario, for refusing to proclaim a Gay Pride Day as dictated by the commission.

We tolerate this insanity; the normal White folks of the USA and Canada tolerate this, which doesn’t make sense either.

All of this crazy behavior — in our colleges, our armed forces, our government, our whole society — is based on two thoughts, two reasons, firmly rooted in a portion of our population. One of those thoughts is that everybody is equal; that is, everybody has the same capabilities and traits: Girls are equal to men, children are equivalent to their parents, students are equivalent to their own academics, Blacks are equivalent to Whites.

The other idea — or rationale — is resentment: the thought that in the event you own something I don’t have then it is your fault and you owe me something. If there are more Whites in law school than Blacks, it is because potential Black attorneys are being held down by Whites. If there are more guys in medical college than women, it is because guys do not want women to become physicians and so are oppressing women. It is not fair that you should get a better education than I, or better grades, or a much better job, or a higher social standing, or a nicer home. Since we’re equal, I must have all that you have, and if I do not then the government, the college administration, the police, the native Human Rights Commission, or a person should do something to alter it. Heck, if you are much better looking than I am, or if you’re fitter, then you owe me, and you ought to feel guilty for this.

Both of these reasons — egalitarianism and resentment — were the driving force for the social revolution of the 1960s. Supported and encouraged by the Jewish mass media and contributed to a huge extent by Jewish activists among feminists, among students, and among homosexuals, a coalition of resentful egalitarians and resentful winners were able to reverse American society upside down. The lunatics were able to get control of the asylum.

There wasn’t any really effective resistance to such people. Some schools held out more than the others, but none of them actually put up a struggle. Some military leaders found where things were going and only retired, while others moved along with the trend.

Basically, the rationale that nobody set up a true struggle against such deranged egalitarians is that the Jewish media were backing them 100 percent, and the media bosses are masters of propaganda. Anybody who opposed the lunatics was blasted as a “hater” or a “bigot” or a “extremist.” Most people, even though they were not persuaded by the propaganda, even guessed it was safer to go along with the lunatics compared to oppose them. Our whole society has paid an enormous price for that lack of courage and absence of principle.

Following their initial successes that the coalition of individuals who felt that they had been dealt with a hand than they were entitled to grew to include new categories of winners and victims that were convinced that they were being oppressed by society unless society gave them something to make up for what Nature had not given them. Old folks were made something by individuals who were not old. Disabled individuals were made something by individuals who were not disabled. People with AIDS were owed something by individuals without AIDS. It has gotten to the stage where even drug addicts, alcoholics, and criminals are owed something by the rest of people. It is truly a crazy circumstance.

I am not suggesting, of course, that all older people or most people with some physical disability have let themselves be convinced that society owes them something, some more than most women have let themselves be persuaded by the feminist lunatics which they’re oppressed by men. But enough individuals have joined the coalition of victims and losers to select Bill Clinton twice, despite his criminal behaviour — or perhaps because of this. And that is actually crazy.

Here we’re stampeding toward the pond. What do we do about this?

Well, to begin with, those of us who are still able to think for ourselves do not have to go in addition to the stampede. Figuring out of this stampede, naturally, exposes you to some risk of being trampled by the rest of the herd. That threat is the price of performing what isn’t only sane but what is perfect. However, let’s not exaggerate that threat. Let’s not let it frighten us into inactivity, because there’s also a benefit for doing what’s appropriate. That benefit is called self-respect.

And needless to say, doing what’s sane is a first step toward handling the herd’s stampede toward the horizon. The greatest benefit for solving that dilemma is racial survival.

And so another thing we could do today — besides maintaining our own thinking straight — can make a sensible plan for changing the direction where the herd is stampeding. Bear in mind, the majority of the cows are not really crazy. They have just let themselves be misled by a relatively small hard core of resentful egalitarians — also by the Jewish media bosses who have engineered the whole stampede. If we had control of their media, it could be a fairly easy matter to separate the majority of the herd by the hard-core lunatics. The lunatics could go over the cliff — or back into their cages — while the rest of the herd stampeded in a more realistic direction. Unfortunately, of course, we do not control the media: just this radio program and some printed periodicals and a book publishing service and some other things. Not much compared to Hollywood, the large networks, the New York Times, and MTV, but it is a start. It’s a voice of sanity in the asylum. Our voice doesn’t have much effect on the lunatics or about these firmly in the grasp of this stampede, but you’d be surprised at the number of reasonable people you will find sprinkled here and there in the herd that do listen to. If you combine your voice to ours, much more people will listen to.

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Source: Action of January 17, 1998

The post <p>Society is Nuts</p> appeared first on rose mary village.


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