Sunday 4 December 2016

Mom Gives Skinny Daughter A Doughnut While Her Fat Daughter Starves For A Treat

It is never good when an outsider can tell that a parents has picked a favorite child. It’s even worse when that parent has picked their favorite based on the child’s appearance. Nicole and Nicolette are twins with different body types. Their mother Michelle doesn’t quite know how to handle the fact that Nicole’s heavier.

Instead of talking to her daughter about it to see if she’s happy with her appearance, Michelle shames her in front of everyone at a doughnut shop. She hands Nicolette, who is thinner, a doughnut, but when Nicole asks for one, Michelle refuses.

It doesn’t matter that Nicole got better grades at school Michelle is only concerned with appearance.

Fortunately, this scenario comes from an episode of What Would You Do?, the hit television series that investigates human nature by using social experiments. Fortunately, Michelle, Nicolette and Nicoleare all actors. However, that doesn’t mean that fat-shaming isn’t pervasive and real.

In fact, we know of a very real set of twins, one thin, one heavy, who suffered immensely because one sister was cruelly bullied due to her weight. As always,WWYD? is ripped straight from the headlines.

In this episode, most people aren’t really willing to stand up for Nicole. One man tries to make her feel better by rubbing his belly and saying he is out of shape too. However, one father was so disturbed by Michelle’s constant mockery of Nicole he finally had to say something.

“I’ve got my own daughter who’s 8, and I would never say something like that to her.That is just unacceptable,” he finally says.

Have you ever felt like sticking up for another kid to their own parent? Let us know in the comments!

Please SHARE this powerful message to show others the harmful effects of fat-shaming young girls.

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